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IPv4 Address/Subnetting

 IPv4 Addressing:

  • IPv4 addresses are 32-bit binary numbers divided into 4 octets, represented in dotted decimal notation.

  • Private IP addresses are reserved for use within a private network and are not routed on the internet.

  • Public IP addresses are used for communication on the internet and are unique.


  • Subnetting allows a single network to be divided into smaller sub-networks or subnets.

  • Subnetting is performed by borrowing bits from the host portion of the IP address.

  • The number of subnets created is determined by the number of bits borrowed.

  • The number of hosts per subnet is determined by the number of remaining host bits.

Classful Subnetting:

  • Classful subnetting divides the address into three portions: network, subnet, and host.

  • Class A, B, and C address ranges determine the number of bits available for subnetting and the maximum number of hosts per subnet.

CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing):

  • CIDR replaces classful subnetting and allows for more efficient use of IP addresses.

  • CIDR uses a prefix length to specify the number of bits in the network portion of an IP address.

  • CIDR notation is represented as a dotted decimal IP address followed by a forward slash and the prefix length.

Subnet Mask:

  • A subnet mask is used to divide the IP address into the network and host portions.

  • The subnet mask is a 32-bit binary number, typically represented in dotted decimal notation.

  • The subnet mask is used to determine the network address and broadcast address of a subnet.

VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Masks):

  • VLSM allows for creation of subnets of different sizes within a single network.

  • VLSM allows for more efficient use of IP addresses by allocating only the required number of host addresses to each subnet.

IPv4 Address Summary:

  • IPv4 addresses are 32-bit binary numbers divided into 4 octets.

  • IPv4 addresses can be either private or public.

  • Subnetting divides a network into smaller sub-networks.

  • Classful subnetting divides the IP address into network, subnet, and host portions.

  • CIDR replaces classful subnetting and allows for more efficient use of IP addresses.

  • A subnet mask is used to divide the IP address into the network and host portions.

  • VLSM allows for creation of subnets of different sizes within a single network.

Class address ranges:

  • Class A = to
  • Class B = to
  • Class C = to

Reserved address ranges for private (non-routed) use:

  • ->
  • ->
  • ->

Other reserved addresses:

  • is reserved for loopback and IPC on the local host
  • -> is reserved for multicast addresses

Chart notes:

  • Number of Subnets - "( )" Refers to the number of effective subnets, since the use of subnet numbers of all 0s or all 1s is highly frowned upon and RFC non-compliant.
  • Number of Hosts - Refers to the number of effective hosts, excluding the network and broadcast address.

Class A

Network BitsSubnet MaskNumber of SubnetsNumber of Hosts
/9255.128.0.02 (0)8388606
/10255.192.0.04 (2)4194302
/11255.224.0.08 (6)2097150
/12255.240.0.016 (14)1048574
/13255.248.0.032 (30)524286
/14255.252.0.064 (62)262142
/15255.254.0.0128 (126)131070
/16255.255.0.0256 (254)65534
/17255.255.128.0512 (510)32766
/18255.255.192.01024 (1022)16382
/19255.255.224.02048 (2046)8190
/20255.255.240.04096 (4094)4094
/21255.255.248.08192 (8190)2046
/22255.255.252.016384 (16382)1022
/23255.255.254.032768 (32766)510
/24255.255.255.065536 (65534)254
/25255.255.255.128131072 (131070)126
/26255.255.255.192262144 (262142)62
/27255.255.255.224524288 (524286)30
/28255.255.255.2401048576 (1048574)14
/29255.255.255.2482097152 (2097150)6
/30255.255.255.2524194304 (4194302)2


Class B

Network BitsSubnet MaskNumber of SubnetsNumber of Hosts
/17255.255.128.02 (0)32766
/18255.255.192.04 (2)16382
/19255.255.224.08 (6)8190
/20255.255.240.016 (14)4094
/21255.255.248.032 (30)2046
/22255.255.252.064 (62)1022
/23255.255.254.0128 (126)510
/24255.255.255.0256 (254)254
/25255.255.255.128512 (510)126
/26255.255.255.1921024 (1022)62
/27255.255.255.2242048 (2046)30
/28255.255.255.2404096 (4094)14
/29255.255.255.2488192 (8190)6
/30255.255.255.25216384 (16382)2


Class C

Network BitsSubnet MaskNumber of SubnetsNumber of Hosts
/25255.255.255.1282 (0)126
/26255.255.255.1924 (2)62
/27255.255.255.2248 (6)30
/28255.255.255.24016 (14)14
/29255.255.255.24832 (30)6
/30255.255.255.25264 (62)2


Class D

CIDR BlockSupernet MaskNumber of Class C AddressesNumber of Hosts


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