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Understanding ISE 101 Deployment

Understanding ISE 101 Deployment

Deploying Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) is a critical step for organizations looking to enhance their network security through advanced access control. This blog post will guide you through the essential phases of ISE deployment, focusing on node deployment prerequisites, certificate management, and the integration of external identity sources. Each section is designed to be clear and informative, aiding IT professionals in implementing ISE efficiently.

ISE Node Deployment Prerequisites

Before diving into the deployment of an ISE node, it is important to ensure that all prerequisites are met to guarantee a successful installation.

Hardware and Software Requirements

First and foremost, verify the hardware and software requirements. Cisco provides detailed guidelines on the minimum specifications needed for different deployment sizes, from small environments to large enterprises. Ensure that the hardware (servers, network devices) meets Cisco’s recommendations for CPU, RAM, and storage.

We are installing ISE 3.0 in our environment. Here are our requirements. You can download via logging to your Cisco Support portal account .

Network Configuration

Network configuration plays a vital role in the successful deployment of ISE nodes. Ensure that network devices are configured to communicate with ISE nodes. This includes proper settings for IP connectivity, DNS resolutions, and NTP settings for time synchronization.


ISE requires proper licensing to function. Check your Cisco account for available licenses and ensure that they are adequate for the features and scale of your deployment. Licenses need to be applied during the setup process.

The types of Cisco ISE licensing are:

1.     Tier-based Subscription licenses

2.     Device Admin Licenses

3.     Virtual Machine licenses

4.     IPSec licenses

5.     ISE-PIC Licenses

All licenses are managed in Smart Licensing format through Cisco Smart Software Manager (SSM). The Cisco Smart Software Manager is an intuitive portal where you can activate and manage all your Cisco licenses.

In our Environment we are using Virtual machine Licenses

Certificate Management

Certificates are crucial for securing communications between ISE nodes and other network devices. Proper management and configuration of certificates are pivotal.

Obtaining Certificates

Certificates can be obtained from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) or generated internally using a private CA. For production environments, it is recommended to use certificates from a trusted CA to avoid trust issues.

Installing Certificates

Once obtained, install the certificates on the ISE nodes. This involves importing the certificate files into the ISE and configuring the system to use these certificates for various services like EAP authentication.

Renewal and Revocation

Regularly check the expiration of certificates and plan for renewals. Also, have a process in place for revoking certificates that are no longer secure or needed.

External Identity Source Integration

Integrating external identity sources allows ISE to leverage user identity information stored across different platforms (like Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS).

Configuring Identity Source Sequences

Identity Source Sequences dictate the order in which ISE queries different identity stores. Configure these sequences carefully to optimize authentication performance and fallback mechanisms.

Testing and Validation

Once integration is set up, conduct thorough testing to validate the configuration. Ensure that authentication requests are processed correctly and that the fallback works as expected in case the primary identity store is unavailable.


Prepare for potential issues such as connectivity problems or misconfigurations by setting up proper logging and monitoring. This enables quick troubleshooting and minimal disruption.


Deploying Cisco ISE is a significant step toward securing your network by controlling access based on user identity and device compliance. By following the detailed prerequisites for node deployment, managing certificates correctly, and integrating external identity sources efficiently, organizations can ensure a robust and secure ISE deployment.

This guide aims to make your ISE deployment as smooth as possible by providing clear, detailed explanations and practical tips. For further details, always refer to the latest Cisco ISE deployment guides and consider reaching out to Cisco support for specific queries or challenges.